Free and Confidential Pregnancy Resource Center

Take advantage of our free pregnancy services, including free consultations about your current situation and your many options. You don’t have to travel this road alone. Let us walk with you.



Pregnancy Testing

You need answers you can trust. Even if you've taken an at-home pregnancy test, get a free pregnancy test at our Center to confirm your results. We can discuss your next steps if you get a positive result on one of our tests. You are not alone on this journey.

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There is so much more to know about your pregnancy than just a positive result on a test. An ultrasound confirms if your pregnancy is viable (developing), how long you've been pregnant, and the location of your pregnancy. Get the information you need with our free limited ultrasound.

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Together, our Center and our community value you and your family. We're here to serve you with baby supplies, food, and clothing. Ask about the many resources we provide and how you can take advantage of them.

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Choose Courage.
It Looks Good On You.