Free and Confidential Pregnancy Resource Center

Considering parenting?

Many women consider parenting impossible because of the financial expense of raising a child. We assure you that many incredible community resources are available to meet your needs. We will help too.

For some of you, this may be the first time you are a mom. For others, you already have the responsibility of raising children.

The Resources We Provide:

No one should have to raise a child without adequate services. Assistance is available whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or guardian. Here’s what we provide:

  • A food giveaway once a month
  • Maternity and baby clothing
  • Baby supplies
  • Diapers
  • Pregnancy peer support
  • Lactation Counseling with a certified consultant
  • Other material support

Havelock Pregnancy Resource Center offers individualized, one-on-one assistance to answer your questions by focusing on your particular circumstances and the resources that can assist you. We can prepare you for parenthood.

Community Resources

  • Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Legal Aid of North Carolina
  • Food Pantry and meals at local churches
  • Prescription Medication Assistance
  • Childcare assistance
  • Rent assistance

Successful Parenting Is Possible

With a great support system, you can achieve anything. Parenting takes courage—and it is possible.

There is strength in knowing people are willing to help you during this time. We know you have doubts about being prepared, and that’s normal. Some common questions you could be thinking about include:

“Am I financially able to support a child?”
“Will my partner or parents support me?”
“Can I finish school or continue working?”
“How do I take care of an infant?”
“Where do I get the resources I’ll need?”

Sit down with one of our compassionate team members at Havelock Pregnancy Resource Center. We’re on your side. We care about you and the decisions you make. All of our services are free, and we’ll connect you to the community resources you specifically need.

You are not alone!

Choose Courage.
It Looks Good On You.